- Explore a wide range of word-building resources for teachers of advanced English and selective/specialised schools.
- More than 100 advanced headwords with comprehensive lists of word families from the Oxford English Corpus (Lexico), Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD), Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (CALD), and a variety of authentic resources.
Index of Headwords •
acknowledge adjust align apart apartheid apartment appease arrant averse avert become beseech blank blanket bone build caffeine capable capsule centre -centred centric centrifuge coffee comment compartment conceive concentrate conduce conduct conform confute construct construe contain content context converse convert convivial co-operate correlate credence credential credible credit credulence credulous cumber custom deform delineate depart department deracinate destroy devolve dialect dialogue discontent encumber enforce enter entrance entry envisage eradicate err errant evanescence evolve express exurb
fame fantasy fledge flesh flight fly force form formal format formula formulate four go hale headline holistic holo icon impart improvise industry inform instruct instrument interview intuition involve island
know land least less lexicon lie line linear little manage mark mine mineral miscreant mount mountain obstruct obvert odour office operate outlandish
Pacific pacify part partial participate participle particle particular partisan partition partner party patron peace perceive pervert phobe phobia phobic platform prepare presuppose pretext provision radical recreant reform refute regular regulate reinforce relate relative remark retroverse return review revise revolt revolve seek shade shadow shore staff step structure substance substantial suburb subvert supervise suppose surmount synthesise synthetic tech television tell text texture tour transform transverse tuition turn tutelage tutor
undermine uniform universe urban vain vanish variance variant variate vary versatile verse versify version vertebral vertical vertigo viable vicious view visible vision visual vital vitamin vitiate vivacious vivid volution whole with withdraw withstand
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