- Explore a wide range of word-building resources for teachers of advanced English and selective/specialised schools.
- More than 100 advanced headwords with comprehensive lists of word families from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD), Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (CALD), and a variety of authentic resources.
Index of Headwords •
abdicate ablation able absent accent accept access accord act actual add addict adjudge adjudicate adjure adjust administer affair affect agent agile agitate ambiguous ancestor ancient anthology anticipate apparatus apparent appear apply art artifact asset associate attempt avenge bad bear benefactor benefit benevolent best better brain break calculate cantor capable capsule caption captivate capture cardiac case cash casual catalogue catch cater cease cede cessation chant charm choir choreograph chorus cogent cogitate coil collate collect comfit common communal commune communicate communist community compare concede conceit conceive concept concession concord condition confection conference conifer contraception contradict cop copper copy cord corporate counterfeit data date decant decease deceit deceive dedicate default defeat defect defer deficit defrag delight demented dialect dialogue dictate differ diffract diminish discord disparage dissociate do eclectic edify edit effect elect elegant eligible elite elucidate empire encapsulate enchant endow enlighten entity essence establish exact exceed except excess exhibit
facility fact fail fall false fashion fault fax feasible feature feckless fertile fetish forfeit fracture fragile fragment frail fringe fury future gather good habit heart house identify impair imperative imperial incantation incapacitate incentive inception incessant index indicate indict inert infect infer infraction infringe inhabit inhibit injure innovate intelligent intercede intercept interdict interest interfere judge judicial jury juxtapose
lateral league lecture legend legible legion legume lesson lexical light liquid lucid lateral league lecture legend legible legion legume lesson lexical light liquid lucid lung magistrate malevolent manufacture master memory mental mention mince mind minister minor minute mister mistress municipal munition myopia mystify myth navigate necessary necessitate need neglect neo new news notice notify notorious nova novel novice noviciate novitiate number numerous occasion offer office operate oviparous
par parade parent participate peer perceive perception perfect pontiff preach precede precept predecessor predicate predict predilection prefect prefer prejudice premiere prepare present prim primal primary prime primeval primitive prince principal principle procedure proceed process proficient profit prohibit putrefy recant recede receive reception recession record recuperate refer refract refrain rehab relate remember remind reminisce remunerate render renew renovate repair represent revenge rotate round sacrilege sad satiate satisfy scatter school secede secession select sense sentiment separate sever shallow shatter smoke social stable stage stay stupid succeed success suffer sufficient sun superstition susceptible tempt tentative theory together tradition transact transfer translate translucent transparent
valediction vend vengeance vindicate vituperative viviparous war wealth welcome well will willing worse worst
Colour Prescription
- red
- orange
- yellow
- gold
- green, grass, grow
- blue
- brown
- purple
- pink
- black
- white, wheat
- grey
- colour
Study Notes & Quizzes
- Affixes
- Compound nouns
- Compounds with well– & ill–
- List of –able and –ible adjectives
- Compound adjectives
- Misleading negatives
- Compound verbs
- Blended words
- Phrasal compounds
- Phrasal nouns
- Phrasal adjectives
- Internal changes
- List of –edly adverbs
Word Parts
- –vis–
- –vid–
- –mit–
- –mis–
- –man–
- –audi–
- –pen–
- –port–
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