The endings -able, -ion, -er, -or, -ance, -ence, -ous, -ish, and -al are generally used to form adjectives and nouns. Read these guidelines to learn how they affect the spelling of the word to which they’re added, then test yourself with the preliminary training quizzes. Click on the widget titles for more tips and advanced quizzes.
- Endings Beginning with Vowels
- Words Ending in -Able and -Ible
- Nouns Ending in -Acy and -Asy
- Words Spelled with -Ae or -Oe
- Words Ending in -Ance and -Ence
- Words Ending in -Ancy and -Ency
- Words Ending in -Ant and -Ent
- Nouns Ending in -Ar, -Er, and -Or
- Words Ending in -Ary, -Ery, and -Ory
- Words Ending in -Efy and -Ify
- Words Ending in -Ence or -Ense
- Words Ending in -Eous and -Ious
- Verbs Ending in -Ize, -Ise, -Yze, and -Yse
- Words Ending in -Ogue or -Og
-Ar, Or, or Er?
-Ary, -Ory, or Ery?
-Efy or -Ify?
-Eous or -Ious?
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